Total Yoga Nidra Professional Development (CPD)

Creative and Intuitive Approaches to Yoga Nidra: practical strategies for responsive and creative facilitation (one to one and in groups)

An online, weekend retreat-style course for facilitators of Yoga Nidra with Uma Dinsmore-Tuli & Yoli Maya Yeh

A 12 hour course for Yoga Nidra Teachers and Facilitators

delivered live, online (via Zoom) on:

Friday 25 October 2024 / 4 - 8 pm (BST)

Saturday 26 October 2024 / 4 - 8 pm (BST)

Sunday 27 October 2024 / 4 - 8 pm (GMT)

What's it About?

Do you teach/facilitate yoga nidra live and/or online?

Do you wish to become more creative in your guiding of this practice live and/or online?

Do you want to become more intuitive and responsive in the ‘scripts’ you share with your clients and yoga nidra classes live and/or online?

Then this is the course for you.

It’s a practical, inspiring and grounded approach to accessing more intuitive and creative methods of sharing yoga nidra. It shares methods for offering creative and intuitive yoga nidra both live and online.

Designed and delivered by Uma Dinsmore-Tuli PhD and Yoli Maya Yeh Joseph MA, who bring together over fifty years of yoga nidra facilitation experience to shine light on simple and practical ways for facilitators to increase confidence in their intuitional creativity for the preparation and sharing of total yoga nidra.


This course is suitable for Yoga Nidra Teachers and Facilitators who have completed any Yoga Nidra Teacher Training.

What will I learn?

You will learn:

  • How to develop your confidence in trusting the structure of Yoga Nidra to free your creativity in yoga nidra delivery.
  • Self-reflective group and individual exercises to cultivate intuition as a facilitator.
  • How to create themed yoga nidra practices for individuals and groups.
  • Simple tools to make co-creative yoga nidra with groups and individuals.
  • Simple practical tools to develop conversational tone, and narrative structure in yoga nidra.
  • Vocal techniques to use the instrument of your voice: intonation, lullaby and song.
  • How to bring rhythm and rhyme into your yoga nidra delivery.
  • Basic foundations in using sound and instrumentation live in person and online
  • Practical skills in managing online audio settings for successful use of instruments/soundscapes.

What will I receive?

1. Access to the Treasure Trove Dropbox of creative and intuitive yoga nidra by Yoli and Uma (seven pre-recorded tracks).

2. Access to attend 12 hours of LIVE ZOOM meetings.

3. Twelve live yoga nidra experiences recorded online in our meetings (recordings provided for you afterwards) - you get access to these afterwards both in our Online Learning Sanctuary & in our Treasure Trove Drop Box.

4. WhatsApp community group for support and connection.

5. Course document with recommended exercise, resources, bibliograhy and lists of fair-trade suppliers of instruments and equipment.


All classes are recorded and will be available for review up to one month after the course. You are strongly encouraged to attend live if you can. 

Topics Covered in this Curriculum

  • Relationship between security in the yoga nidra structure and creativity in yoga nidra delivery.
  • Themed yoga nidra practices for individuals and groups.
  • How to weave a theme across the structure of yoga nidra.
  • Stories, conversational tone, and narrative structure in yoga nidra.
  • Intonation, lullaby and sung yoga nidra.
  • Using the instrument of the voice.
  • Musicality, rhythm and rhyme in yoga nidra.
  • Co-creative yoga nidra – from the sparks of connection comes the warmth of belonging.
  • Sound vibrations, instrumentation and soundscapes.
  • Matching components and themes with instruments.
  • Mantra, meditative silence and the creative dance between sound and silence.
  • Simplicity, humility and listening to intuition as a facilitator.

Uma Dinsmore-Tuli PhD

Uma met yoga in 1969, at the age of four, and fell in love. She’s been practising ever since, and teaching yoga since 1994.

A yoga therapist with special expertise in yoga therapy for women’s health, Uma is a mother of three, and has written four books on yoga for women, including the massive Yoni Shakti and two books on Yoga Nidra, including Yoga Nidra Made Easy.

Uma is co-founder of the Yoga Nidra Network and has developed Total Yoga Nidra, Wild Nidra and Nidra Shakti: radical creative and intuitive approaches to sharing yoga nidra.

Yoli Maya Yeh MA

Yoli Maya Yeh is a Yoga & Shiatsu Therapist (AOBTA, VYASA, Yoga for the Special Child) and an Educator in Comparative Religions and Global Studies (MA Comparative Religious Ethics). Yoli works at the intersection of Indigenous Preservation, Healing Arts and Social Justice through the design and implementation of experiential education-based Decolonization, Dialogue, Collaboration and Community Implementation Toolkits. Raised in her family’s Native American spiritual teachings, Yoli spent twelve years of her young adulthood studying language, yoga, tantra, healing arts and meditation in India. A native of Chicago, she blends her understandings of Indigenous wisdom teachings, mind-body science, yogic discipline, and play into innovative learning programs for all ages and abilities.

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